A journey back to self

A journey back to self


Purity and overall health have always been my passion. After years of running a healthy breakfast and lunch restaurant and focussing on “you are what you eat”, I have added “you are what you drink” to it.

I always focussed so much on wholeness food, which still is key in my life, but knowing that we as a specie are made up at least a physical level 75% of water and more interestingly on a molecular level 99,92 % of water. We can’t ignore this fact anymore.

This story of water has unexpectedly brought me closer to life, the universe and therefor myself. Stuck in a very right brain mind, masculine linear power, owning a restaurant business, always on my ‘to do’ mode, rushing through life, I completely forgot how to slow down, trust and flow. I was an advocate of being a power house and holding different role models every day very high in life. Unbreakable, always on fire, never depleted. Escaping my rush in trips and parties around the globe. It was the ideal way to numb myself from my body and emotions. Trying to detach and recharge from my ongoing over productive energy, with a deep urge to take care of others (and not myself), being overly productive and finding my way to keep my head above water in this imaginary structure. A very addictive pattern as on the outside I was getting things done. Unconsciously I lived in a stressful pattern, indirectly putting my body physically in imbalance and no energy was left for my internal system to function well. (A chronic right shoulder inflammation has been part of my life since then) Till life gave me a huge mirror.

After several breakdowns behind the scenes of my restaurant, surviving covid, becoming beautifully pregnant, but experiencing a very traumatic labour I unexpectedly realized how disconnected I was with my own body. My energy, my creative force. My feminine side was muted/numbed.

I was being forced to slow down, trust my path, not knowing what tomorrow will bring, close down my restaurant, being financial detached, shift my rooted belief systems and not living in the past nor future. Slowly started to allow the many insecurities of life, detach from my never ending to do lists, learn to breathe again, be present, being a lot of time alone and in silence feeling a sleepy/comatised feminine energy awaken again.

This path has been overwhelming, life changing, graceful and so real.


Today, every day
I feel honored to share
I feel humble to hold space
I feel deeply inspired to guide more of us in new ways of claiming back this raw, intimate and creative power we all are seeking for




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