From heartbreak to the road of sacred union

From heartbreak to the road of sacred union


In 2024, as a couple, my husband and I experienced immense growth in what was by then our 14-year-long relationship. When we decided to fully commit to this soul’s path, we knew that life would stir things up—false belief systems would shatter. We would have to face pains, emotions and shadows, not only on an individual level, but also as a couple.

Anyone in a relationship can likely relate—partnership brings things to the surface. Our partners mirror the parts of ourselves we often neglect to see and it is up to us to decide: do we keep pointing fingers and creating distance, or do we take responsibility in this shared dream we call life?


Our partners mirror the parts of ourselves we often neglect to see.


That year, we underwent deep, transformative work—one that unraveled into a complete restructuring of what we had once called our relationship. A disentangling of everything we had built. A painful, terrifying process of questioning everything we thought we knew. A complete surrender to the unknown, to future dreams yet to unfold. But it was necessary—because we had been relating from deep wounded patterns.

Our hearts needed to crack open. Our pain needed to be expressed and fully felt. Forgiveness had to blossom at its own natural pace, giving us a jewel for the years to come. We embraced complete destruction, discomfort, unbearable pains, awful truths and dark patterns—only to then own them, love them and recognize them as the most beautiful gifts and teachings we never could have imagined.

Relating is an act of surrender—allowing the ego to dissolve.
A devotion to love over fear, that then becomes the most beautiful practice of all.


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